Okay, I understood almost nothing of the first sentence, but the Bourdain blog post was really very insightful.
Wow, why all the re gan mian and Wuhan hate here? I wish a Wuhaner would get on here To each their own, but I liked it and other Wuhan items as well, although it’s not something I see myself getting repeatedly or particularly craving.
Thanks @JThur01. Just so I know in the future (in case I do get around to trying this oddity), what is your favorite place for Re Gan Mian? TIA.
@Chowseeker1999, I’ve only had it at Tasty Dining, but I defer to the esteemed ipsedixit. If he recommends Qiwei Kitchen, I’d go with that (even though Qiwei is a branch of Tasty Dining ) I can’t compare Happy Tasty as I tried other dishes there.
That’s the best back-handed compliment ever.
Thanks @ipsedixit, I’ve been practicing It comes off worse than it was meant. I recall barryc writing something similar about someplace, perhaps even a Wuhan-style place, that he enjoyed it, was glad he tried it, but couldn’t see craving it.
i believe that it’s helpful to understand a culture by knowing what it likes to it. so yes, i was glad to have the experience, but the apparently i’m color-blind when it comes to the shades of the wuhan palette when it comes to their cuisine. i just didn’t get it and i acknowledge it could be the preferences of my own palate inhibiting the process.
FWIW, icelandic fermented shark is equally authentic, and i have even less affinity for that.