Covid-19: Ideas and Strategies for Shopping and Cooking

@ChineseChou What else did you get from them? And pray tell, describe these “industrial” rolls of toilet paper.

Everything from 20 lbs of ground angus beef patties to 6 oz organic blueberries. Most of the items are Costco-sized (2 lb arugula, baby spinach, 10 lb can of kidney beans), but they also had regular-sized fig goat cheese and 1 lb of strawberries. As for the industrial rolls of tp, imagine a wagon wheel, then make it soft, white, and cushy.


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Another restaurant turning into a sort of grocery.

I need to and you should do a large batch of sofrito and freeze a bunch in separate cups

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Another bright spot… I don’t have to feel guilty for forgetting my bags.


Good idea. I do that with Hazan’s tomato/butter/onion sauce. Freeze in mini-muffin pans and then dump in a zipping bag. I finally broke down and started using San Marzano tomatoes. QUITE a difference and worth the price. I use it for a bunch of things and especially for pizza. Thanks.


Yes definitely such a simple and effective upgrade.

I’m trying to think of some other containers to freeze in cuz we don’t have muffin cups or disposable. Kind of lost. May just go tea cops lol

Plastic ice trays? Thrift store?

Just make little mounds on a plate or baking sheet and freeze, then pop the IQF mounds into a freezer bag. I do that with sauteed onions/tomato for my indian cooking.


With so much time to kill at home, I see no point in making things in bulk and freezing them. I like to cook.

Had to go to Costco to pick up a prescription for my cat, so I did some regular shopping for staples. No quinoa, garbanzos, onions, Viccolo pizza, brown sugar, Guinness, or toilet paper. All I got was a box of Pellegrino and one of the two six-packs of tuna I had in my cart. Fuck you, fucking hoarders.

Sign at the pharmacy said they now have one-day delivery. Personally I’ve been getting all my prescriptions mail-order for years.

The line at my local supermarket (Berkeley Bowl) went all the way around the block. People were six or more feet apart, so who knows what that means in terms of wait time, but I don’t need anything enough to deal with that. Why not give out numbers? Or take reservations?

The line for the super market went around the block. What the fuck . I am so glad I moved out of the bay area 2 years ago . I can hear people shooting their guns at the practice range a mile away .

We went to WF today and I was chatting with workers. One of the guys said when this first began the store broke every record it had ever had, including Burning Man which has 80,000 people out in the Northern Nevada desert. Another person said she had never seen the shelves so empty. Midmorning today was fine but she said they’re lined up outside before they open. We have I-80 and the trains running right through Reno. TJs lets people in as others leave. And a few days ago I was talking to the potato chip guy :slight_smile: He said they’re selling chips like it’s 4th of July.

Re making in bulk I don’t either. But when I make tomato sauce I’ll freeze some in the muffin tins so when I need just a bit for pizza I have it.

They’re required to limit how many people are in the store at a time. Judging from the parking lot, there were fewer people there than there usually are at that time on a Tuesday afternoon.

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i read somewhere that produce sales are WAY down, which i find odd, because produce prices seem to have dropped where i normally shop (super king in altadena, ca); asparagus was only $.69/lb so i bought a couple of large bunches and i’ve been grilling them as a snack when the mood hits me. fuji apples: $.79/lb. strawberries: $1.29/lb.

they even had TP.

OTOH, a 10 lb. sack of potatoes was $3.49 (about double what i normally pay, and rice in bulk went from $1/2 lbs. up to $.79/lb. the point is that i elected to deviate from starches (except for pasta - all the boxed pasta was gone but there was a entire section of pasta in 2 lb.bags for only $1.49) and go with a lot of produce again. i’m hoping avoiding starches to some degree will help me maintain or even lose some weight some weight since there’s not much else to do but cook and eat out of boredom/stress.

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I’ve noticed that even though the rice, pasta, canned goods, etc. shelves are all but empty the produce dept. looks full. I’ve made the decision that hoarders are unhealthy and shitty cooks :slight_smile:


At Trader Joe’s the other day, all the pasta was gone except for orecchiette, which ironically is one of the best pastas they sell.

Several things I figured out:

  • Bring my own pen.
  • Write a shopping list on paper to avoid contaminating my phone.
  • If I have to use my phone while shopping, disinfect it when I get home. I had a big bottle of rubbing alcohol in the stereo cabinet for cleaning tape heads.

My frozen Copper River sockeye salmon from Sena Sea arrived today.

I ordered it late last week and it arrived today on my doorstep, still nicely frozen, so frankly it was easier and quicker than trying to get a delivery date from Instacart. I ordered the 6 oz. portions, which are great for a single person - definitely not so for a family and probably not for a couple if one is a huge eater. They do have 1 pound bags which would be a better option for families.

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Yea until scores start closing doesn’t make sense to do huge batches but I’m doing batch cooking for 2-3 meals at a time mainly so that we don’t have to cook 2 full meals a day, just cover mains with batches. Reason being is that we aren’t going out to eat which would have kept us out of the kitchen half the week (with all the work lunches)