Ditroit Tacqueria

Thanks for the reporage! Gotta make it over there! argh.

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Do you know if you can just show up and order?

yes you can



post-quarter sheets bang

come for the churros leave because of the hamsters

shrimp taco, poblano cream, rice, onion and cilantro, on a corn tortilla. served with our salsa verde
delicious fresh and snappy shrimp




fish flauta - daily catch flauta with coleslaw and cilantro. served with crema, queso and avocado salsa
no bueno, fish was dry and could be mistaken for dry white meat chicken.



churro with chocolate sauce



I tried Ditroit and it was pretty pedestrian given local options near by.

The drinks were a highlight, I got a pina, passion fruit and canelo aqua fresca and it was pretty damn good. Really nice finesse with the flavor of the canelo. The mescal margarita was also really good and not too sweet.

The suadero taco was bland and the meat was kind of chewy.

The chorizo taco was also bland. And by bland I mean the chorizo barely had any flavor and they put some pepperchini tasting peppers on top which made it sour. The potatoes made it even more bland. The chorizo con papa vampiro at Asadero Chikali a few miles down the road is a flavor bomb and at around 1/3 of the price.

The only thing I can say about the tacos that was semi positive was they were quite large for the price of admission.

The bright spot of the meal was actually the fish flauta which was totally opposite experience from @PorkyBelly , the filling was chunks of juicy flavorful fish and the condiments were nicely done. I can see myself ordering this again.

The mole tamal was decent, a little too sweet and the mole was barely there. However, unlike the two tacos, it had flavor and the masa had great texture. The banana leaf ? provided a nice flavor as well. A friend’s mom brought back a mole tamal wrapped in banana leaf from Oaxaca and it blew this one away in terms of flavor.

And the churros were excellent, only complaint is the chocolate sauce was too sweet for my tastes. The churro itself is awesome and reminiscent of BS Taqueria except the latter had a perfect bittersweet chocolate sauce.

All in all, seems like a quick bite prelude/post bang after Sushi Hide or Sushi Kaneyoshi for me. Drinks, flauta and churro sin chocolate.