Food Love. . .what's yours?

I already said that. :smile:

Wine , my cooking , weekend . That’s my love :relaxed:


As I was reading I was thinking, that his pork shoulder is one of your favorites too :smiley:.

Has been for years and our daughters and one in-law at least are now fixing it.

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Plus, you play the accordion!

I’m a drummer and love when the accordion busts out!

I got all day…let’s hear it Will…

Never have played the accordion . I play drums . Mostly jazz and funk .



With your avatar, I always thought you were the lone accordion player…ha ha ha
Chick drummer been playing for over 30+ years from the age of 2. :tongue:
70’s rock, funk and R&B…

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The avatar picture was shot in Florence . That’s how I felt after to much sightseeing . Just wanted some wine and food .

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Wish your mom operated one of those selling home cooked food out of her home type deals that are popping up on weibo (I think you posted a link about this actually)



Bean and cheese burrito
Chicago dog
Dark chocolate (minimum 72%)
Cheese & crackers & charcuterie

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Mama Ipse…still need to meet my ‘future MIL’ :tongue:

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Speaking of Mama Ipse, where is Ipse at?

You noticed. He is around. But has definitely been a little scarce in the posting department :thinking: .

We’re probably boring him/her.

[quote=“Bookwich, post:35, topic:3749”]
[/quote]I wonder. I assumed male… because of the self-described label of “mama’s boy”.