FTC meet up

Thanks. I love learning new things.

“Bing” is a very general term. That recipe looks like a cousin of a roti canai.

Majordomo’s is more like a fresh pita or a paratha.

It resembled a dense naan to me. I really liked it.

OMG, @catholiver, thank you for posting that. I was vaguely wondering lately what all that La Croix I drink was doing to my teeth. Now I know. Another bad habit to kick.

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I’d ask my dentist. How much is too much? I’m hooked on tap water, occasionally this summer on ice water. Wild and crazy :slight_smile:

My dad calls that “zwah bing.” I don’t really speak any Chinese, but I assume the “zwah” refers to the way you grab off a piece to eat? I love it. :slight_smile:

Minor point of clarification: Zwah bing ( 抓餅 ) refers to a specific subtype of bing, where the layers are extra flaky and fluffy, which is supposed to invite diners to “grab it by hand” (zwah). The above pictured bing are too dense to be zwah bing; they’re standard bing.

Here is a photo of zwah bing:


Genuine question: is that diff than what @catholiver had posted?

Those look similar to each other (spiral, layers) and not like what Majordomo makes.

The bing at Majordomo is nothing like Chinese Zwah Bing.


I had some roti canai at a Singaporean place in Vancouver that looked exactly like that.

The delicious Thai roti I had for dessert at (the excellent) Bangkok Palace in Echo Park looked a lot like this as well…

To me it has the texture of a giant blini

Saw this story on IG. Future FTC Meet-up idea?


If those are wine glasses them im’ in :slight_smile:


it happened yesterday at Chaak. Don’t know if they’re doing it again


I was thinking along the lines of inquiring if he wants to do something local or maybe even private. Idk… just a thought.

What, no sake? :wink:


Who says we can’t do both?