Hayato - ROW DTLA

LOL Porky I was next door when you were there. Wanted to come by and say Hola to Go-san after my meal but reconsidered cuz I didn’t wanna disturb his flow…


I made a reservation :speak_no_evil: This will be my biggest dining splurge ever, but I only get my PhD once and no one else is going to treat me to such a high end meal :sweat_smile:


Congrats on successfully defending your thesis.


Thank you! As of now, it’s good luck. By the end of next week, let’s hope it’s congrats! I didn’t know if the solo seat reservation for next month would hang around until it’s official :smile:


That’s wonderful, Dr. Chinchi!


Hi @PorkyBelly,

Darn it, why did I look at your Hayato pics?! I suddenly feel the urge to return ASAP again! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smile:

Great report, and I totally agree with you regarding Hayato. I think I can speak for all of us on FTC that we’re glad Hayato only got 1 Michelin Star (maybe next year keep it at a Plate award or something), so we can keep the tourists and star chasers out. :wink:

The Bento Box: Wow! Was that a special arrangement? Or is it because the dining group couldn’t finish the Gohan?


Congrats @chinchi! :slight_smile: Hayato is totally worth it, and it’s for a great occasion as you said. :wink:

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How much do you guys think I can sell a Hayato reservation for?


Wow great write-up and amazing meal! I can’t wait to get some of that Kinki and crab! It’s been too long…

Every time I see pics on Instagram or read a write-up like this I have to admit I get anxious about when my next meal is. Can’t wait and hope I’ll get all those amazing things too! :drooling_face:

@chinchi Congrats on getting that solo seat reservation! Usually there’s one or two that hang around for a couple days but with the holiday closure I wasn’t quite as sure there’d be any. Good call on nabbing it and hope you enjoy the meal!


FTC Economic/Ethics 101: Is it kosher to exchange one tough rezzie for another?


Even if it’s tongue in cheek/to “protect” Hayato, seems kinda insulting to say you want a star taken away and that you’re glad Chef Go wasn’t recognized for more

Its humor. You know, a joke. @Chowseeker1999 has every respect for Chef Go as you can tell from many previous posts. The Michelin awards are not held in the highest respect by many members of this board. We live in LA where the pursuit of status, dining at a Michelin starred restaurant, replaces actual appreciation of true art. I am sure Chef Go, who obviously has more business than he can handle, would appreciate the jest.


I think Chowseeker believes Hayato deserves more than 1 Star. I think some of us believe Hayato was robbed of more.


I figured as much. I was still working in restaurants both when michelin left LA and when they returned. I’ve since changed careers, but I’ve seen all sides of the stress and disappointment that michelin can bring.

Ive read and enjoyed many of @Chowseeker1999 posts but I think that still brought me back to some drunk nights talking with cooks about their futures.

I felt like editing my post after I posted it but figured whatever.

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It’s a joke. Sorry the internet doesn’t convey humor very well; also you’re new to FTC and sorry you don’t know me either.

See my extensive write-ups on Hayato (we’ve been singing Go-san’s praises since his debut). Many of us FTC’ers were seemingly the only ones feeling like Hayato got overlooked by Michelin in only being awarded 1 Star. I’ve also recommended more of my friends and family to Hayato than any other restaurant in L.A.


@Chowseeker1999 Yo you owe me no explanation. I should have said super clear I knew you were joking. I think I’ve just seen the other side of that joke and it hit me the wrong way.

I was lurking here for a long time before ever creating my account, I’ve read many of your posts and especially your posts about Hayato.

Your post caught me at the wrong time and when I realized it was you I was like I should just shut up now. But I figured I’d post it to see what the response was. Not even sure what I expected but I’d gone through all the trouble of linking instagram and all that.

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I’m blaming the full moon again.

I too get tempted to delete posts at times. Like, “what the hell were you going on about Cookie?” But I made the decision early on that if I write it, post it, then regret it that’s too darn bad. I deleted only one post, because a member thought I was being unfair to them so I deleted it.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program… I love this report @PorkyBelly! Sooo tempted. Too bad I don’t have a PhD to celebrate. Congrats @chinchi!

Also, @PorkyBelly I too am curious about the counter/tatami table situation. Does Chef Go serve both at the same time? So interesting this place is.


That’s awesome @chinchi, good luck and congratulations on grabbing that reservation, I can’t think of a better place to celebrate. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.


:grin: secured a spot for the bento box this weekend


The new snow crab shabu is incredible. My favorite so far

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