Chung Hae Jin
Complimentary soju, too. And that ain’t no fucking joke.
Chung Hae Jin
Complimentary soju, too. And that ain’t no fucking joke.
wow, this place sounds fucking dope.
how many of these joints are there in Ktown ???
the live halibut looks dope.
can’t believe I’ve never really hit up Korean sashimi except for the fucked up joint in Sunnyvale.
Island Seafood on Beverly Blvd is my go to for live Korean seafood. the address is 4356 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90004
Fisherman’s House in Oxnard harbor. Good live fish but I don’t know that they offer live octopus.
that should be it. thanks man.
Fisherman’s House in Oxnard does not offer octopus as a live option…just fish and spot prawns.
my bad, that’s style the fucking joint a friend told me about.
yeah, it probably has nothing to do with the discussion, but had sort of a brain fart on the matter which propelled the thought that “hey, there’s a great live sashimi joint in Onxard”.
thanks for confirming.