Potatoes, gorgonzola, baby kale, chili oil.
@Aesthete, thanks for the report. How edible is the crust?
I ask because so far the pics I’ve seen of their pizzas seem like their crust is always borderline charred which makes it unappetizing for me. Thanks.
That is definitely their style with most breads. I like it but I can see how it might not be to everyone’s taste.
I personally love their crust haha
Gorgonzola, kale, Yukon gold potatoes.
I’m there every Sunday
Stopped by for this pizza as a Valentine’s day treat. My SO was skeptical at first glance, particularly the darkness of the crust, but the taste won him over. Well worth the detour we made. I second the call for more funky cheeses!
Last week’s Lodge Pizza night was just incredible. The creaminess of ricotta, and umami of charred onions, the richness of farm egg…one of the most addictive things I’ve ever eaten.
They made me some pistachio toast with Maude pistachio butter while I waited too.
A plate of incredible pickles (turnips, carrots, and cabbage) was a spectacular complement to it all. Stunning pickling.
I bet they will have their own pizza parlor soon.
maude butter?
that looks more like a khatchapouri (sic) than a pizza. but it sure looks good.
I have no doubts that many people might not be willing to allow Lodge to call what they do pizza.
Maybe it’s a bit heretical, but personally, it just makes it better to me haha.
Guess I should clarify, Maude gave out jars of pistachio butter for people who ate the pistachio menu. I gifted my jar to the Lodge guys, they produced a plate of marvelous toast (we all ate it together).
PSA: Lodge Bread continues to make delicious pizza every Sunday night. I hadn’t been in a while, so a return was in order and quite the treat. What a fool for not having been more recently and more frequently.
tomato conserva / mozzarella / calabrian chili / kale - $17
picture taken from their instagram