Natural wine scene in LA

Tonite Silverlake wine is doing a natural wine tasting with Roark Wine Company

Yes, the descriptor Natural means one thing. The wines distributed and sold with that descriptor seem to all be in a narrow range. Yellow whites (vin jaune like) and young juicy cloudy almost carbed reds that remind of young gamays.

Seems to me someone’s trying to create a new style altogether with branding and all.

French ‘bio’ wines is of course how it started

Most natural wines aren’t labeled as such. Orange wines are mostly if not all natural and are made by fermenting with skin contact, like reds. There are natural wines in many styles. Some of my favorites are not wildly different from conventional wines of the same appellation.

Yikes, what a scene. Too loud for me.

Yikes! is right! Wow, maybe the warm weather is getting people out on a Thursday nite for some wine tasting!

The Guerilla Tacos truck probably helped.

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Greetings all. I am a winemaker up in Ojai C.A. specializing in wines with no sulfites, finning or filtering. Where should I sell my wine in LA? What restaurants, wine shops etc would support a local natural wine? Thanks.

The places mentioned above are the ones I know about. A former Ordinaire (Oakland) employee has another place in the works.

I think Roni Ginach, who was the wine director at Kismet, also has a new place in the works.

Domaine LA is my favorite. Or you can sell to me direct. We visit up there often, last time didn’t visit enough wineries. Let me know if you’re pouring.

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Very few natural wines available in the OC. Please contact hi-times wine cellars in Costa Mesa.

Lou Wine Shop

Elf Cafe

Salt’s Cure

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Some more:

Still not open?

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Went to Tabula Rasa the other night. Still excellent.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Natural wines: threat or menace?

which one - looks like there are two

Tabula Rasa Bar is at 5125 Hollywood Blvd., a block from Sapp and Lacha Somtum.

Huh, I guess they opened a wine shop in NoHo.

Pretty sure it’s Hollywood. Haven’t been to NoHo, but believe it’s more of shop & take-away kinda place.
Good HH at Hollywood.

Bar Bandini has a new deck, great place to enjoy a sunset.

And also a patio downstairs from the deck.
