Pearl River Deli - Chinatown


So glad I was able to score the Hainan Chicken this week. I had a been a huge fan of Chef’s @JLee’s Hainan Chicken from those Chinatown nights years back and really enjoyed my plate of BBQ from when he was testing out the PRD concept at the Food Bowl…

I have to say that from those years ago… the result is so much better!

The chicken was very silky and the sauces top notich. I did find the rice a little salty, but it was a great accompaniment to the broth, which I enjoyed even more than the Reisling opened to go with. I loved the Char Siu as well, especially the egg noodles. These thing bouncy egg noodles are my favorite and really brought me back to those old days when Canto places ruled the SGV.

We got the Mapo Tofu sauce to go and will be having that later this week… looking forward to trying even more and perhaps also snagging one of the egg tarts.
