Random Thoughts & Questions

it’s in the travel section so it’s probably more for tourists who are looking to visit LA…

[Low-carb clichés be damned, pizza is having a moment. Pie after pie flies out of the open kitchen of Mother Wolf, Hollywood’s buzziest new restaurant — fans include Rihanna and Michelle Obama — which occupies a gilded Art Deco landmark, the Citizen-News building. (Overheard at the bar: “If you squint, it’s almost like you’re in New York.”)]

and there it is, the annoyance of New Yorkers stereotyping LA once again. Their smuggery continues…


Not the name of the restaurant itself, but while I’m fine with vegan food, I’ve never been to Cafe Gratitude because of the names of the dishes. I cannot bring myself to order I Am Charismatic, I Am Fortunate etc etc.


" I Am Unsatiated"


They don’t actually make you do that, it’s like ordering a medium at Starbucks. Fwiw the food has been surprisingly fine in my experience.


It’s been yrs since I’ve been, but I actually thought the food was pretty good, too.

@cookiemonster: you missed the best part. The servers repeat your order as, “You are Charismatic.” That’s the part that made me… squeamish.


My one visit to Cafe Gratitude was because a friend was depressed and I knew that hating that “You are _____” nonsense would make her feel better.

The author’s not a food writer.


Random question: “legit” EVOO is supposed to solidify when refrigerated, correct? B/c I poured a small amount of EVOO from Costco into a container and put it the fridge (not to test it, but so that I wouldn’t forget about it at work… don’t ask), and it didn’t solidify at all.

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I would really like to try these burgers but the name “Crack” is so tacky and cringey to me.


Ah, but tackiness is often a hallmark of great low-to-midrange food spots :slight_smile:


What comeback story? Did we go somewhere?


I hate that also.


I would definitely eat there . A 9 hole golf course . Definitely not on the pga tour . I think what they meant by crack from the reporter . Was more like a crack in concrete. Not the drug .

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where’s max?

the truffle oil is from sushi note. but where’s the fake wasabi from? :face_with_monocle:

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The wasabi seems like a funny thing to complain about. Does anybody give you a big pile of fresh wasabi? You usually get fresh wasabi for individual pieces, I don’t think anyone is forcing him to use the powdered wasabi. Is it more polite to force guests to ask for wasabi if they want to ruin their nigiri.

Idk :man_shrugging:

maybe it was for the sashimi?

Using industrial grade wasabi is a bad look for any sushiya north of $250pp…


Maybe I’ll just order takeout / delivery to try it. No need to say any of the names out loud.

found it. nozawa bar.


Is this pre or post Nemroz math? :joy: