Reservation scalping

Brandon probably wants to make it more accessible to everyone but there’s a limit on how low he can go while keeping his operation sustainable.


Maybe Boring-Surprise3867 was saving up for a ticket to Habitué :joy:



That’s a bit unfair when up until the past year or so he’s been selling high quality bentos at a really reasonable price. He definitely wasn’t charging 1% prices. I think he’s alluded to it being something that doesn’t make a lot of business sense based on the amount of labor, but something that they were still willing to do for a long time pre-pandemic. However, what they’re doing for their dinners needs to pay their salaries and expenses, and it certainly isn’t something that most people can justify paying for.


@boourns I think @moonboy403 made a typo and already corrected it. We all know Hayato team is doing their bestest to give everyone a chance at trying their crafts. We’re indeed too lucky to get to see them :two_hearts:

Honestly, whenever I got a reservation on Tock, it was like some of my happiest 10am of the month :smiling_face: of course, it gets harder and harder but it won’t hurt to try sometimes :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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I wasn’t responding to moonboy4, tailbacku is doing a cheeky faux edit of moonboy to make a point :slight_smile: That’s what the FIFY (fixed it for you) means.


Sorry I didn’t get the joke :sweat_smile:

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aw he deleted his account