Restaurants outside LA County but within driving distance

Flagging this post for moderation.

You can have whatever opinion you want, you can go eat wherever you want to “protest,” but the kind of misinformation in this post is genuinely dangerous.


gosh i am absolutely dying at the concept of this protest hahaha. this dude is really driving more than an hour to eat worse food than what he could find a block from his place, all so he doesn’t have to wear a mask for about two minutes.

If he isn’t quite Rosa Parks, he’s certainly at the level of a decent hunger striker. What a noble, noble cause.


If I had been drinking something, I would’ve spat it out from laughter. Touché, sir/madam/they.

What I find really bizarre about this protest is that, AFAIK, it’s “just” a mask mandate in LA. But indoor dining is not being affected otherwise, right? (meaning restaurants don’t have to seat a half capacity, etc.) So the poster is simply punishing LA businesses for something they can’t control, which seems… counterproductive to me. But all JMHO.


This board is for discussing food. I don’t know why warrior can’t resist the compulsion to keep posting this stuff, which would still be off-topic even if it wasn’t misinformation.


If not for the quoted part of the post that was apparently deleted I’d have no idea what the big deal was here. Some people can really get there panties in a bunch over this stuff even after 2 1/2 years. Now…… driving an hour for some great food isn’t a bad idea, if that were the reason.

Alameda County put back a mask order for about 3 weeks a short while ago. My daughter owns a craft beer bar there and said it was only a ripple compared to the time they actually had serious problems staying in business last year.

Seems like everyone we know has had Covid with minimal problems, but it’s like a brush fire that can get out of control if not contained. Better safe than sorry.

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I’ve lost count of hiw many times I’ve suspended Warrior for posting Covid misinformation.