Spicy Korean?

Most people who ask for things like the “spiciest [insert food if choice]” is generally expressing a latent need to qualm some inner insecurity about their own culinary mojo.

Sort of like the eating equivalent who has the bigger dick. When everyone knows it’s not about length but about girth.

Same with spicy foods. Never about the absolute Scoville rating, but more about how rounded out the spice level is vis-a-via all the other flavors at play in a dish.

I ask for where to find the spiciest Thai food because I have trouble finding places that don’t dumb it down for Americans.

Seems like Sichuan places don’t Americanize the food the same way, maybe because the ones I go to get mostly Chinese customers. Same with the regional Indian places.

I don’t know that Korean food traditionally ever gets up to that level.

3rd visit to Beverly tofu.



Yup Dduk is really spicy.