Sushi Sho - OOE Omakase

Been trying to call this place for weeks to try to get an April reservation. No one ever answers. Anyone got any advice?

try calling around 1 or 2pm local time.

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Or 3pm they usually pick up the phone in the 3 hours prior to opening which I think is around 5.

Had been trying those for a few weeks and no luck! The hotel gave me an email address and I hit that and got a response and a rez on my preferred date within 10 mins. Hooray!


Best sushi meal I’ve ever had. Report and pics after we fly back. Goddamn


was sergio in da house?

Indeed. He said they’re opening in NY in august or so


This is probably the most unique and best omakase I’ve ever had. Sergio wasn’t there, but Nishi-San was my chef, who previously worked at Tsujita so we chatted a lot about LA sushi. Coincidentally everyone at the bar was from LA/OC!



what was this?

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Scallop liver with wasabi & Maui onion! Female & male. It was really similar to Ankimo, but less of a deep flavor


this was the best omakase i have been to. granted i haven’t been to a lot like many here at FTC but wow, the thoughtfulness in local ingredients, the wonderful service. the beautiful layout. i definitely plan to go back the next time i’m in Honolulu.
highlight was one of the specials, ice aged chutoro and otoro cut roll.
but everything was fantastic, no misses for me.


I gotta get back there soon glad to hear quality is still at its peak that nakazawa-san is in NY more often. I was happy that they moved to online reservations but it was literally 2 months before we decided to go to hawaii so everything was booked up unfortunately