What's on your Thanksgiving Menu?

Thanks. I know, I know, but it lasts a long time.

That all looks fabulous, Cookie. I’m envious!

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  1. Damn! You killed it! Everything looks so good!
  2. Yeah. At this point I consider blackstrap molasses as a nutritional supplement. I don’t ever want to cook with it.
  3. That gravy looks dank in the best way.
  4. Thanks for sharing!

The gravy and carrots look amazing! I think I’ll make duck gravy…

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Awww… thanks friends.

This meal was making up for loss time. Kinda’ long story - My brand new oven smelled toxic when turned on. Everyone (the company, friends, blogs) said it needed to be “blown out” to burn off excess insulation. I tried everything - gave up over the hot summer - then called the Whirlpool man. It was a faulty igniter. Yikes! Upside? Except for frying and stews I was more of an oven cooker (roasting, baking, broiling). Having no oven improved my stovetop cooking (sautéing, searing, timing). Previously my All-Clads had become more for show. :slight_smile:

Thanks @frommtron! Also for your thoughts on the blackstrap molasses. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: It did taste like something your grandma thought was good for you.

I wanna’ see that duck & gravy @Bookwich! Or is it just duck gravy? Either way, post it. No pressure. :hugs:

Happy Home Cooking!

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Has anybody made this Dave Arnold stuffing recipe made famous on the Dave Chang podcast? I think I’m gonna try it next week. There are no measurements just a list of ingredients but it seems easy enough.


Except for sourcing Pepperidge Farm bread, if you live in California.

Darn. Any good substitutes?

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Chang says just use “a standard white loaf that has a little bit of structure.” But it’s almost impossible to find anything similar to Pepperidge Farm bread.







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2 posts were split to a new topic: Calling dressing stuffing: threat or menace?

Invited to friends house . Gorgeous view of the mountain. Im not cooking . Fabulous cooks and hostess . Bringing a bottle of Belvedere vodka . She will make her lemon drops from scratch. Im one and done . Happy Thanksgiving


I can’t see the Dave Arnold recipe (site is down) but I’ve always used country/hearty white for my stuffing, either Pepperidge Farm or Orowheat, Cooks Illustrated recipe. Can’t say I’ve noticed a difference between brands.

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No Jones so I went with Jimmy Dean
No Peppridge Farms out here so I went with Orowheat

Is the stuffing tasty?


I quite like the Cook’s Illustrated recipe. Very simple and traditional. Trick is browning chicken or turkey wings in the pan before sweating the aromatics to get that flavor/fond, then putting those wings on top of the stuffing before baking to mimic the effect of actually stuffing a bird without the salmonella and overcooked meat concerns.



does/has anyone cooked dressing on the stovetop rather than the oven? i cant seem to see any possible downside - can cook more consistently throughout by repeated stirring/folding through, and then crisp up at the very end in the oven… and then save oven space/time

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try this