Backseat moderators, have at it

Keyboard Warrior

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Think there’s a fine line here. Of course conflicts should be disclosed, and though the shill was obvious and innocuous, I find the whole thing kinda corny. It’s not a mortal sin or anything, and I get trying to run a successful business in a really tough climate, but I come here in large part to hear opinions that aren’t fully sullied by advertising or self dealing. This place (FTC) is many things to many people so I may very well be too moralizing (and naive to how much this goes on), but I’d prefer it not become a promotional tool. That line is porous though I know.


We’ve had far worse/more deceitful shilling in the past on this board. This one should get a pass, if only because apparently the food is actually something special. Looking forward to trying it.


There were multiple enthusiastic reports here by reliable informants for months before hanbooli started this topic, so it was a little late to meaningfully shill.

By comparison with FTC, yes.


I actually think the OP being honest after being asked about it is a decent enough reason for a pass. :slight_smile:

Back to the topic…


Really? Does this happen often/Is there a history with other places on FTC? Genuinely curious…

Of course my opinion doesn’t much matter and I’m not anything close to an essential contributor, but this is low quality content, accessible elsewhere on socials. Probably in the minority, but I come here for stuff I can’t get elsewhere, discovery and discussion and unbiased reports.


I sympathize with both arguments, though I lean towards thinking it’s fine. If a chef/restauranteur can take time out of their day to engage with this nutty platform, then I think it should be allowed within reason. @MisterSchell was even soliciting discussion on the Seafood Supreme pizza. I’m sure if anyone asked about ingredients, etc., he would have responded. Now, if he just carbon copied all of their Instagram posts onto here, that would be a different story.


That’s certainly fair, and I may be in the minority! There are various other ‘pros’ - chefs, business owners, purveyors etc - who participate here, and in some subtle way that participation is a reminder of their product etc. But for me that participation is broad, additive, and not limited to pushing their business. Without getting too specific, if you’re discovering restaurants and posting pictorial essays or commenting on running a restaurant, I don’t much care if your business or product gets mentioned. To me this doesn’t qualify and is virtually identical to an Insta post, not to mention all the other ways the Internet is used to sell me shit.


Personally, I don’t mind the posts at all IF they will participate. Like answer questions and engage.

On the other hand, If they post and run, that to me is just spamming or more like IG.

I like the business owners/chefs that are here on the boards.

Welcome @MisterSchell !


Totally agree. “Order now, limited time only!” is not the type of content we’re here for. Imagine if that became pervasive. And what if inferior/poorly regarded places started doing it? Does it only become unacceptable at that point?…


TBH, I didn’t take their statement as a “genuine” solicitation of discussion…

I think there’s been at least a few other times where there’s been someone new who posts about a single restaurant in a vaguely spammy way.

I agree that I don’t want the board to get overwhelmed w/ promotional material. At the same time, I feel like group here has no issue questioning or calling people out on such behavior (or just ignoring the truly low-quality stuff, which, IMHO, includes posts that are poorly written from a style and grammar perspective). Seems to usually take care of the issue.


I agree let them post if they are willing to contribute and participate. Of course some posts might veer into a self promotional realm but as long as it’s reasonable it should be ok.

I for one welcome having owners or industry connected people post their insights on this board and I guess some of those will always have some promotional aspect to them.


Gotta say it’s a little funny that everyone is defending the owner of this restaurant in a thread started by his wife pretending to be a customer calling it “LA’s hottest new pizza spot”

I am sure the pizza is tasty but being disingenuous and then getting defensive about it is just kind of gross.


Backseat moderators.

Isn’t that clever.

Sounds kinda snide, unless I’m totally misreading the intent.

If someone disagrees with a moderation decision, any discussion belongs in Site Feedback rather than in a discussion of food.

I wasn’t aware that this was a critique of the moderation, but a question of the intent of the poster.

Just because someone might not like something posted on Facebook doesn’t mean they’re questioning the moderation of Facebook.

and it was completely appropriate because it was in direct response to the OP. In a place where the OP would see the conversation.

Funny, I didn’t read any of these posts as being critical of the moderator or being feedback on the site. As much as feedback on the original poster


The chef / owner’s posts were flagged as spam, which I rejected. Discussion of whether someone else’s posts are appropriate belong in Site Feedback. Posts in the original topic should be about pizza and any other food the place offers.

Makes zero sense in this case. But, as you point out, you are the moderator/owner.


The site is for talking about food, not for meta shit or generic social-media bickering.

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I, the head cook and owner, was only giving early preview to the fine folks of this platform for the latest pizza creation before we blasted the messaging out on other platforms.

We appreciate the support and the business.

Off to bake delicious pizzas for our customers.


Signing off