Bagels - East Bay

Whole Grains Bakery purchased at Berkeley Bowl West, 4 / $3.99.

Pros: shape and color are right. Not overpriced.

Cons: taste and texture are wrong.

Won’t buy again.

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This is exciting to me: finally once again a retail source for Baron Bagels.

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Good. Bagels $27 / dozen, currently the only retail outlet for Baron.

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The house-smoked salmon at Bageltopia is fantastic. The carrot vegan substitute is worth a try.

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I tried Boichik in SF a few days ago. Didn’t realize it was such a popular chain. I was satisfied. It tasted like a legit NY bagel to me – dense and malty.

I don’t hate Boichik but there are bagels I like just as much or better that don’t cost $3 each.