Breakfast at Guatemalteca

Guatemalan Food underrated!!

Very little spotlight except for a Bill Esparza article and maybe Weekly.

One things for sure there is always beans.

Front. Near Santa Monica x Vermont.


Stupid iPhone


Eggs are offered any style. I got them scrambled with salsa. Over easy would be a good choice with the runny egg.
Handmade tortillas or a bread roll.
A side of platanos with crema.

It’s all about the different flavors. Sweet, sour, salty. I love the plantains with cream, warm and sweet contrast with creamy and tang. The bread or tortillas are good to mop up the beans, cream, and yolk. Simple breakfast.

They also a interesting street food:

Chow Mein on Tostada!!
Probably brought over by Chinese workers. The bits of chicken stew are pretty tasty.
I would say not too many places have this dish.