Some colleagues are looking for suggestions on a restaurant in the Century City area for a work dinner for 20ish people. A private room is preferable. Ideally it would be hip and entertaining for a bunch of out of towers who likely have expectations/hopes of LA being scene’y… A bit pricey is OK, but nothing too insane. Good food is a must.
I was thinking Sotto or Hinoki & The Bird. Their hotel is suggesting Gulfstream and Westside Tavern, although I haven’t been to either.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
+1 hinoki & the bird
Gulfstream and Westside Tavern are all part of the same group as Houstons, yes? The food and service are very solid, it’s kind of pricey (but not bank-breaking), and it all feels a bit corporate. But totally appropriate for a group work dinner. I wouldn’t call it scene-y, although your colleagues only need take one look around the room (and at the valet line) to remind themselves that they’re not in Kansas anymore (esp at Gulfstream). I would not call either “hip.” In fact, they’re sort of the places I’d recommend to upper middle class 60-70 yr olds for a nice night out.
An out of the box suggestion if you don’t mind something more casual is Wadatsumi on Pico.
Hinoki has some hits and misses, but a great space.
+1 to both Hinoki and the Bird as well as Craft.
While I like the food significantly better at HInoki, and while both places have private room accommodations, Craft does not require a set menu for parties the size of 20 guests whereas Hinoki does. Just something to consider.