Crickets, that’s all I’m hearing here.
Are we all not eating out much or just preoccupied?
Crickets, that’s all I’m hearing here.
Are we all not eating out much or just preoccupied?
Been hopscotching across the country, Saint Paul, Minneapolis, DC, Manhattan, to name a few.
I will say this, though, Delta has great gelato. For an airplane.
Honkman left and the site died.
It sure seems that way, doesn’t it?
Who died ?
That was kind of my thought too.
You did, dude. We miss you. Even if we didn’t always agree with you, you at least made the conversations interesting and made us think
As for me, I lost a bit of stride during the two-week period when the All-Stars game and ComicCon were going on. Frankly, I didn’t want to be in any of the main culinary areas (like downtown or LI) during that period. So I’ve been pretty much visiting favorite places elsewhere, and, to be honest, dining on favorite menu items for the most part. Not too much news in other words. There was a group of us that had a fine meal at Hacienda Guadalupe a couple of weeks back: The grilled skirt steak was great; the lamb not so much. Other than that, not much really new to “write home about”. I do still dine out almost every day, but every meal and every place I go isn’t “special” enough to write about.
But the real reason for the decline in posts here, I believe, is the lack of participation and interaction after the SD FTC group, led by ipse and honk, split from CH following the CH website meltdown a year ago. That caused a lot of confusion for casual followers of CH, and many had no idea that a lot of people had moved to the newly-created SD FTC. In the year since that took place (last September), there have been some who refuse to post on CH, like ipse, and some who refuse to post on FTC, like cstr. Others post on both sites, but the split caused a real degradation in activity on both of these discussion boards. I don’t think that SD has enough people interested in trying to follow two boards, and that many have just given up and look to Yelp (gawd forbid) for restaurant info (which lacks real discussion, of course).
I’ve been traveling around the globe and haven’t had much time to eat in SD…off to the islands for birthday celebration!
Honkman died?!?!
Did BOS produce finally put the daggar in the Berlin hardened behometh. . .
In a weird way, he’s one of those cranky pants that you want to go and kick his ass all the time but when he’s gone, your going, where’s that curmudgeon at?
Hope your doing well in BOS and hitting up the surrounding area, like Maine and the Cape!
In regards to CSTR…he flipped his wig, when I called him out on a post and he got his knickers all in a knot and being the Polish Jew who eats Wonder Bread, TREB, et al, he took his Barbie dolls and huffed on over to CH, where he, himself and other fleeting one time posters, talk to themselves… (sorry if I left out anyone)
I do miss him a lot and wish he would MAN UP and come back to FTC, where he is beloved and not to be so thin skinned…just because your three scores and a couple of years, we are September babes and being the Virgo gal that I am, I am extending the Aloha Koa branch, that has tons of lilikoi cream from Leonard’s malasada’s.
Enjoying life in Boston (and (un)fortunately much, much more work from the start than I expected from day one - in a culinary terms I thought I was hired as a sous chef of a very well known restaurant but it turns out it is the exec chef position to rebuild a restaurant without lowering any profits during that change.)
The restaurant scene is quite different to SD (in my opinion overall an improvement) as many more restaurants try to “cook outside of the box” and have a surprisingly high level of execution. Small plates/appetizers have similar prices as in SD but comparable entrees are often surprisingly more expensive ($3-10).
What was (and still is) quite a change (and we came with very low expectations) is the quality of many ingredients for our day-to-day cooking. In SD it was never a problem to get great produce or meat without big planning in many supermarkets (WF, Sprouts, Ralphs, Vons, H-Mart etc) and you could decide during the day which recipe you want to follow and just buy everything on the fly. In Boston you have to plan much more in advance - there are some specialized shops which are hard to get during the week for good meat but supermarkets have surprisingly low quality (even WF has mostly meat a step (if at all) above CAFO meat) and you often get “normal” stuff not easily, e.g. lamb, pancetta, flank steak are just some examples which weren’t available even after visiting 4-5 supermarkets. And the quality and availability of produce after California is just sad - 99% in any supermarkets comes from California but obviously not picked when even remotely it would have been done in California and much stuff you take as normal not easily available, e.g. eggplants, snap peas, fresh spinach, cauliflower, watercress, fresh spices like thyme, majoran etc often need multiple different supermarkt visits if you can find them at all, You all should really enjoy what you have in produce and meat at SD - I always thought it was great in SD/California but now realize how outstanding it is
Great post Doctor Chow. I personally enjoy hearing about the comforting solid eats that you wouldn’t think are special enough to write about. I tend to eat at neighborhood type joints much more so than the trendy places (although like those too).
Agree with the rest of your post also. Not really enough posters on either CH or FTC individually to keep up any kind of interesting discussion. But CH’s user interface still kind of sucks and CH seems to have alienated some of the posters here so maybe we could all agree to move to another more dynamic site (hungryonion, FB?). Until then…chapulines.
Led by honkman? He’s one of the few that continued posting at both sites; sure you don’t have him confused for somebody else?
Happy to be corrected if this wasn’t the case, but that was my understanding at the time.
Tacos Perla has them. You can add chapulines or chicharrones as a crunchy topping on any taco. Or just order a side of them for under a buck.
Also Poncho Villa’s Farmers Market (805 & El Cajon Blvd location) carries them for sale in bulk. It’s been at least a year since I was there last, so I’d call to confirm first.