Cher launches a gelato truck in LA

Title is pretty self explanatory:


I wonder where the truck is roaming. Iā€™ve seen nothing about it location wise

No sign that itā€™s actually going yet.

Yeah, I got the impression that itā€™s coming but hasnā€™t arrived yet.

IG says that itā€™s made by Giapo. When I do an internet search on ā€œGiapo,ā€ I get an address in New Zealand. Is anyone familiar w/ this gelato maker?

ā™Ŗā™¬ā™©ā™©ā™¬ Chooo-clate, Stracchitella and Peach
Weā€™d hear it from the people of the town,
Theyā€™d call us Chooo-clate, Stracciatella and Peach ā™Ŗā™¬ā™©ā™©ā™¬


I assumed this was a riff from one of her songs, but I had to Google it to be certain. :wink:

Iā€™m hoping the truck plays ā€œBelieve.ā€ :smiley:

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You and those who get this are dating ourselves. :smile:


Not necessarily all that dated.


The Simpsonsā€™ version was the best outta the three lol.

Someone on Tiktok said itā€™s up and running in Venice:

I saw the truck on Abbot Kinney a couple of nights ago on my way to dinner but it was gone by the time I came back.


Saw it Wednesday night on Beverly outside Pan Pacific Park

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had kefir cardamon flavor today at venice beach
interesting flavor but it was gritty

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Interesting, as in you liked it and would consider trying their other flavors (gritty texture notwithstanding)?