Dinner for dum dum

hitting a show at nate holden theatre on washington. i dont know that part of earth very well.
where to eat within a five or ten minute drive, please?
want to sit down at a table.

many thanks.

Gus’s Fried Chicken isn’t too far from there.

Republique and Odys + Penelope will be about a 10 minute drive and im sure they can serve you some kind of Metamucil cocktail.

hey man im a regular guy.

oh i guess i didnt realize those were so close.
see? i AM a dum dum.

Also very nearby and excellent --Taqueria Los Anaya. Not fancy, but there is table seating and outstanding food. 4651 W Adams Blvd. (Transcendent Huevos Rancheros served all day…)