Okay, after some deliberation, negotiations, and a misguided vote to leave the EU (whoops), let’s get started with July DoTM nominations!
@TheCookie made a suggestion about picking a theme for the month, which I think it’s a good idea. If you have future ideas for themes, please mention them here (or anywhere, really).
For this month, please consider making nominations that involve something juicy, tender, bloody, and MEATY. I guess seafood could also be considered “meaty,” for DoTM purpose.
Past winners:
January: LAMB
February: PASTRIES
Nice. So to confirm, our “Theme” this month is nominations that are “Meaty”? Or would “Meaty” be the actual end DOTM Theme if it got enough votes? Just curious.
For themes for other months, I’m just going to randomly choose ones that have been mentioned previously, unless it seems like there’s a lot of support for a particular theme for the upcoming month. But I’m not creative, so that’s why I need suggestions for other themes!
[quote=“catholiver, post:6, topic:3623, full:true”]
Off-topic, what IS that???
[/quote] You never know with this crazy guy. Last month he tried to get us to eat this.
[quote=“PorkyBelly, post:13, topic:3623”]
foie gras glazed with soy sauce grilled over binchotan at raku.
[/quote] Love the way you eat. Well… Most of the time .