Dunsmoor - Glassell Park

Power rankings?


hell yeah those 'zerts

  1. cornbread - so slutty. so delicious.
  2. green chili stew
  3. bluefin tuna
  4. sweet potato pie
  5. belon oyster
  6. carolina gold rice
  7. slippery dumplings - because white meat :poop:
  8. crepes suzette - never had this, is it supposed to taste boozy?

Damn I gotta go back for the chili.

I feel like I haven’t heard of crepes Suzette since I was a kid. I know it’s supposed to be flambe-d maybe all the booze didn’t burn off.

What’s next flaming baked Alaska? Lol


they also had a carrot souffle on the menu that sounds interesting. anybody try it?

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Crêpes Suzette should taste of Grand Marnier or triple sec. But not too much.


Our waiter convinced us to order it last night and was not a fan. It had a nice brulee on top but then was like cold carrot mash underneath.


It was good, but could have used more texture. The crepes suzette however :fire:

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Yes, supposed to be boozy


This woman haunts my dreams. This brûléed grapefruit cake is so good



lets talk about OVERRATED.

the waiter said best item was albacore and it was… fine? nothing special

swordfish was fine, and obviously corn bread was very good… but that’s really worth a trip there? Not at all.

For the prices dont recommend it. Far better places at similar price points.

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What would you recommend instead?

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You had 3 dishes and surmised overrated???

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i disagree. the albacore is great. a bold crudo with assertive flavors and firm texture.

also, dunsmoor is not necessarily a “trip” for all of us. we don’t all live on the westside.


on other side of LA, but a place like Tar & Roses who also does wood fire is 1000x better in every sense.

I got the dishes that were recommended, it’s a small menu anyway so yes OVERRATED.

I just found it very dull. It was ok, but even at a specific seafood restaurant it’s not something I’d ever go back to or have again.

If its’ a neighborhood spot, I suppose it’s fine to go for a drink and cornbread, but for the prices and “hype” it had I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone I love or enjoy seeing.

The chili is $23 and the cornbread is $19. I think for that level of cooking and concept that is actually pretty fair. Maybe it’s just me. I don’t drink and I usually skip on appetizers.


You’re in the minority here, but your methodology is far too restrictive to be so dismissive. The Chili Verde is fantastic as are most of the small plates. The tartare is one of the city’s best imho. I don’t know if the swordfish (a newer item) is done on the hearth, but the key here is order mains cooked on the hearth. But, yeah, stick to the westside.