Taking out a few clients for a nice thank you dinner. Anywhere on the westside that has a fun vibe with really solid food? No Urasawa/N/Naka/Shunji/Mori/etc as I’m looking for some place with a little more celebratory vibe.
Rustic Canyon?
Mastro’s is always fun for a client/closing dinner. Capo in Santa Monica is more intimate and Chi Spacca is a great choice. I like Charcoal very much but its vibe is more local casual than celebratory in my opinion.
Yeah Mastro’s is our usual go to for nice client dinners so trying to mix it up this time.
Haven’t been in ages. Is Chef Jeremy Fox still cooking there?
I believe so.
Tar & roses
Seemed like OP wants to avoid Japanese but Yazawa is a strong suggestion. If I ever get into an expense account situation, this will be my choice.
Do expense accounts typically allow unlimited spending? Why not go to Urasawa?
Not typically, no. but it depends on how valuable the client is to company and I would think the food would be too good at Urasawa for a business event if that makes sense if you are spending time massaging a clients ego you aren’t focused on your meal.
Why would Yazawa be better? Food not worth thinking about?
I didn’t make that recommendation. I don’t recall saying that the food should not be worth thinking about.
Ah yeah, woops, the people above you were recommending it, saying it was very expense account worthy.
Yea Cassia…
Cassia is a good call. That used to be in my regular rotation but the price increases have been so regular (and so astounding) that it is now really a special occasion type meal.
the one time i went to charcoal, it was so loud that the waiter and i couldn’t hear each other when i was attempting to order.
also, the place was jammed to the gills.
depending on the age of the clients, you might see that as good or bad.
your call
that’s usually what I equate with a “fun vibe”.
Is that Mastro’s BH or Mastro’s Ocean Club in Malibu? Malibu is our standby. The view is, obviously, fabulous.