I was just going through all of my upcoming music shows (I’ve got tickets to 14 shows between now and April already purchased) and I started thinking about the food at the different venues. I have to admit, I don’t typically eat at shows (this is TMI, I suppose, but I really like to practice good oral hygiene and I’ll be damned if I’m going to brush and floss in a club bathroom). That said, my wife lies for the hommos at The Troubadour. I must admit, it’s pretty good hommos. It’s weird that The Troub had good hommos – you’ll never know where you’ll find it.
Anyone else have something they like to get when they’re seeing music. (Maybe I shouldn’t count the Hollywood Bowl, because everyone eats at the HB. Some people spend so much time eating they are only vaguely aware that there is a concert going on.) I mean, there are places like The Mint with a pretty full menu. And The Fonda is attached to The Next Door Lounge and they have some pretty good looking food. (I know I’ve eaten there – but can’t remember what. I was drinking and just remember liking the experience. It’s possible I didn’t order anything and just ate off my wife’s plate.)
Anyone have any food faves at music venues? Just curious.