Didn’t see this mentioned on the board anywhere so I thought I’d give it a plug.
Yes, it’s in San Fernando, off the beaten path for many of us.
But these are really excellent ice creams. Much less rich than Salt and Straw, McConnels, and other city favorites, these ice creams veer a bit closer to gelato in texture. They are focusing on making the flavors, especially their fruit options, cut through.
Highlights include mamay, guanabana, pepina con chile sorbet, banana, and my favorite, lucuma.
Don’t go in expecting an ultra luxe base from Clover of Strauss. But these guys are homegrown and are doing a lot of things right.
They’re great to have but require regular tending. The biggest problem is pests. Insects are a constant problem. But the worst is fruit trees draw rats.
No, the biggest problem is having a yard full of rotten fruit.
Nothing is quite like the smell of rotten apricots, peaches, lucuma, pomegranates and blackberries, all nicely mixed together like some fruit smoothie from a baby’s butt, on a hot summer afternoon.
Don’t be jealous. The quality of produce at FMs makes home-grown a less attractive option. Lemons and limes are probably the work horses of fruit trees. That’s what I reach for the most by far. Potted varieties are very good as long as you have a proper place for them in terms of light/heat.