ISO ideas for cooking frog legs

It seems like several lifetimes ago I cooked frog legs but I have no recollection of what I did. We were at WinCo this morning and they had them and I bought a few. I’d really appreciate any suggestions for how to cook them. TIA.

Sous vide is sounding good.

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Deep fry them.

Care to elaborate? :slight_smile:

just go on down to Doc Hopper’s. Tell 'em Kermit sent you.

Chortling :slight_smile: Thanks, l.

Deep fried. With some capers and a little bit of vinegar.

When you deep fry them, will they be tough or tender? Or kinda like chicken wings? I don’t have a lot invested here as they were under $5/#.

National Lampoon,1970

The original of this cartoon sold in 2010 for $20,000

Snorting cocktail!!!

I’ve had them deep fried and they were very moist. A little bit of fried capers, vinegar, and espelette pepper.

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On what?

No problem. Brad Ford gave me what I was looking for.

I dipped in egg and then (almond) flour and fried. Then fried capers, vinegar and pepper. They were super. Forgot to photo. Thanks all.

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VN style frog legs are excellent

Like this?

The version my mom made was less refined, with more garlic and no panko (prob light coating of rice flour instead).

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