The pizza on there looked like a deep dish. From the dessert in the background I’m guessing it’s not Hollywood Pies.
Masa in Echo Park?
I hope the mainland poke trend dies a quick death… Terrible for the environment.
Nice worst list.
and i like he mentioned those credit card only places.
@J_L mentioned the credit card-only issue a while back. When a practice starts to irritate those that typically have a high tolerance for crap, vendors should think twice.
When places like Costco in MdR can sell hundreds of pounds of poke in a few days, the fish are doomed.
I am so glad the remodel is finishing up and Mdr has resumed the seafood on ice service.
I had Costco’s incredible King Crab Legs last night, while watching the Giants.
My God, they were fantastic.
We also cooked the terrific Manila Clams with Spaghetti.
I’m glad you liked the crab legs but we found it to be really salty. How do you like to prepare them?
No prep - other than deshelling and dipping (in cocktail sauce).
I picked up enough for six eaters. None of us could get past the first leg because of the salt. Ended up tossing a lot of crab legs because they just sat in the fridge. Maybe I should try again - in smaller quantities.
Great for my stomach and wallet though
Have you checked for parasites recently?
I’ve named him Tommy.
That sucks.
We did not have that issue.
They were excellent yesterday (or we really love salt).
We have a friend who does a quick soak/light simmer of the costco crab legs before reheating or chilling. She says it takes the salt and processed flavor out!
Lasix was placed on this earth for a reason.
Me too. I was was recently googling those credit cards where you give the company money up front and they give you a card for that amount. I was trying to figure out how easy it would be to use a fake name and social security number. But then I fell asleep and forgot about it.
I pretty much have zero issues with any of the items on this list. Feel free to hand me a poke bowl, an avocado toast, or a lobster roll anytime. I will eat them. Rather inoffensive choices for a “worst of” list. I’m ever more flummoxed about the link to Wei’s article about poke and sustainability. Although it could quite possibility be/become a contributing factor, the article offers no real causation between the influx of poke shops and the depletion of particular species.
For a second there I thought Linus got a job at the LAW.
I have noticed an increase in the occurrence of ‘flummox’ here.
I approve.
I’ll also eat poke or avo toast or a lobster roll. But I’ll be damned if I’m paying $5 for toast.