Being that I’m in San Diego, we don’t have the horrific traffic like you all up the 5 North but every time I watch that classic SNL skit ‘The Californians’ seems to nail it on talking about short cuts, time of day to get to certain places in LA… Love when Stuart says ‘That’s almost in Long Beach’ . . . ; )
Do you all decide where to go, after you figured out that the traffic isn’t so bad? Or you just say F*ck it!
Since I traded in for a 10 minute commute, I don’t mind venturing out whenever for meals. However, I do try to stay within a 30 minute drive because I can get lazy sometimes.
Drive time / traffic / parking all figure in to my calculation on where I might or might not want to eat.
I’d love to hit sawtelle more often than I do but it’s a long haul, so unless there’s other things to do over on the west side, I’m unlikely to make a special trip.
Thai BBQ express won’t win any awards but it’s a couple of blocks away and they deliver.
Of course, there are places that are distinctly worth going out of the way for and others I would never go to except that they’re convenient to a particular location.
I know that used to bug me until I realized it has already factored in how long I will have to wait to make a safe turn, and it knows that option is faster than anything else. Now I just breath deep, wait for my opening and move on.
eh, i’m not sure waze is any faster than google maps.
i think waze kinda defaults to moving, whereas googlemaps might have you sitting.
with all the twists and turns and small streets and hard lefts, etc. , i don’t necessarily
thinks waze gets you there any faster.