Neighborhood restaurant/store info on Nextdoor

Our local neighborhood, in South OC, has a. very active group of posters on the Nextdoor app. They’re posting what essential businesses are open, with hours, and where:when they find hard to get items. There’s a list of grocery store hours (with senior hours too) and one of restaurants offers my pick up and delivery. Lots of politics in other posts but, as here, you can be selective in what you read.

I don’t know how widespread Nextdoor is but it’s worth looking into if you’re not familiar with it.

Unfortunately the posts are now including diatribes by people who say they believe we’re being lied to about the severity of this pandemic. It’s sad and also scary to see the degree of vitriol on both sides. Likely just a snapshot of what’s going on around the country.

Some of my neighbors seem so ignorant and moronic on Nextdoor that I’m surprised I don’t see them walking around with their shoes on the wrong feet or riding their bicycles backwards. I go on there pretty much only to give stuff away.