New York City’s Youtube-Famous Sushi Noz Is Expanding to Los Angeles


Glad to see NYC restaurants expanding to LA but is it still Sushi Noz without its famed itamae at the helm here?

as mentioned in the article he will split time initially and occasionally be here. I’ve been told he will still make NYC his home so that’ll mostly take up his time. But also mentioned, Noz has Noz 17 in Chelsea and he certainly can’t be at both of those at the same time.

Salt Bae syndrome.(albeit a milder form of it)…


We also got under-Watered


Lol, is this a big deal? She’s not a Chef anyway & we did get David Tanis :man_shrugging:

To be fair, I was just going for laughs on this one, not veracity. I haven’t been so have little basis to judge.


$400?? My god.

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Byb Really Expects A Deal to feel satisfied.


There’s nothing new about $400 omakase in LA.


Definitely at the tippy-top of the high end in LA. Expectations would be high when so many great places charge significantly less.

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“Restaurant X is too expensive so I’ll never go there” is not a useful contribution to a discussion of restaurant X.

Any comments about moderation go in Site Talk.


Or the first one after the lockdown. :smile:

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This gets a big meh from me. Curious what the LA crowd that heads here looks like because the NYC crowd is :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

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I’m sure this will be removed but genuinely wondering since I’m not familiar with this high end type food… is there any other alternative if I’d like to try this restaurant? A la carte? Or this is the only option given?

how is the NYC crowd? I don’t really pay attention to what other eaters are doing when I eat lol. Service is another story…

Keep in mind that they will not open for another year here in Los Angeles. As far as I know they are not open for lunch in NYC, although some of LA’s high end places do something for lunch but usually something basic

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Since you are genuinely asking:

There is no other alternative, and I believe it would be a bit unfair to judge a fine dining restaurant based on its a-la-carte or lunch menus, unless that it what it was originally designed for. If there is a lunch or takeout option, it is most likely still a reaction to the pandemic. To really “try” this kind of restaurant, you should go for the full dinner service and experience it.

In my opinion, if $400 is outside your budget or comfort level or calculation in spending for food, then you should simply not go. But to say that $400 amount is “ridiculous” shows that you are out of touch with the realities and economics of fine dining (and the discussion). If the price was absurd to everyone, then it would not exist.

As a relative point, I can say the same thing about quite a few things that I feel are not “worth it,” but I do not go around expressing my disdain in the respective communities out of respect. People visit fine dining restaurants and pay “ridiculous” amounts because they feel that it is worth it, for similar reasons that people drive luxury cars/bags, sit front row at a concert, pay first class for airplane seats, etc…

I do not believe one has to be rich or reckless to prioritize eating good food above other things, and it is tactless to state matters as such. Your lack of respect and boastful ignorance is what people have a hard time stomaching on this board.

To ground this post, I think a more apt and merited discussion on your part would be comparing a $400 meal at Noz to any other sushi-ya that you have been to or want to go to. There is value that can be found in many of the restaurants in Los Angeles, and surely you are paying for the brand at quite a few of the establishments in the city. Noz (when it opens) vs Ginza Onodera vs Shunji vs Kaneyoshi vs Morihiro vs Mori vs Takeda vs etc… would be valid comparisons, in my opinion. The ridiculousness of the price can be established after one has experienced alternatives within the same price range.

Thank you for reading~


Ditto on cost and value.

Noz market, his take away/hand roll concept, would do well as a supplement to his LA launch.

Wow, I could totally get behind the idea of a market like that in LA!!