It’s why I added that.
L. O. L. From my perspective that’s sure what it sounds like
We’re meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow and the menu looks chock full of great sounding things. But we’ll likely share two starters and be happy and enjoy it
With all respect, did you eat all of both dishes?
Are you aware you are on a food forum? Honest question.
Of course. What’s your point please?
You seem to expect just because you eat little amounts of food that everybody is doing the same
I like to go from bar to bar hopping. But I will now call that the bar Bang Bang.
What would be a lesser form of a BangBang? A PingPing perhaps?
And “Let’s PingPing” just invokes too many phonetic innuendoes involving the urinary tract.
i find abstemiousness repulsive
Quality over quantity?
Why settle?
Have both.
Ginormous quantities of quality
My point is that I haven’t been able to determine why you’re posting some of the things you are within the context of this forum. Which is fine. As I am fond of paraphrasing the great Lo Pan, “I was not put upon this earth to get it.” So more power to you.
But it is worth pointing out, I think, that asking someone if they ate ALL of the food they posted seems to be more about shaming that poster than anything else. Only you know your intent, but any reader is allowed to analyze the connotation of your words and shaming is connoted by your post and its context.
I enjoy plenty of your posts and think you often being a lot to the discussion. However, that is why I ask that question. Because I’m not entirely sure why someone would join a community of people obsessed with food and then shame those who eat with gusto.
And that is enough blasted earnestness for a good long while so I’ll leave everyone with this.
Before the judgey passive aggressiveness began in earnest, this is what I started thinking about FTC bang-bangers like @PorkyBelly et al.
We’re lucky to have the info and pix from the spreads that were enjoyed. These aren’t the comedic bang-bangs gobbled down attempting to fulfill some emotional void. Vicariously taking in these romps through the senses of my fellow eaters is an invite I’ll accept any day.
From what I’ve seen, most of these are well-calculated outings that target food and places which line up to create a complete satisfying experience without wanting. What’s to judge?
I don’t believe anyone has replied to my asking if they don’t eat it all, do they take it home. ???
And finding, eating and cooking good/great food is one of my fave things but I’m not obsessed by it.
I only ate some of the rice. I ordered two extra side of nori instead. I only need some rice with donburi, unless they cook egg into it.
But I destroyed that mille feuille.
My aversion to the thread is easily solved if each meal stood on its own in its geographic area, i.e., LA/SGV. The BB aspect of it just seems silly. Like that guy that ate all the hot dogs!
I’ll answer for myself…
Answer: Nope.
(Waiting for the judgmental comment on food wastage in 3…2…1…)
I take food home cause I’m a frugal bitch. Last night’s leftover will frequently be another meal or sometimes two. When we’re in SF, where there are more homeless, I’ll give the food away if they want it.