Peninsula Favorites

Thank you! I was excited to make the change, in job and location! But yes, cost of living is not cheap (all the more reason for the “affordable” part!).

I’ll put the bagel place on my to-try list, though I don’t know if I can detect proper bagel-ness. I grew up blissfully ignorant that the bagels I was eating were not real bagels :joy:


I have a feeling there will be many Cardinal games in my future!

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One item we are also looking for on the peninsula are good banh mi (the last five years in Boston didn’t have many good examples.)
Are there any good banh mi in this area - a brief search shows places like m-sandwiches but are they really worth $10-11. When we lived in San Diego many good banh mi were available for $4-5. Willing to drive even a bit longer for a good (reasonable priced) banh mi.

There’s good cheap Vietnamese food in San Jose. Try the food courts at Grand Century Mall and the Lion Plaza on Tully.

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