Upper Crust Pizzeria chain from Boston is slated to open up a spot on Beverly Dr next to Panera and Urth Cafe in late 2015. Signage outside says will have beer and wine license. Can’t wait as this was my go to cheap slice in Beantown!
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You may not find it to be the same as you remember since the name got bought by Private Equity after their bankruptcy plus its legal issues. When you have a slice, let us know how it compares. Left Boston before they opened, so I have no reference but I’d kill for a Regina’s like the original to open here.
you and me both. when i went back to Boston a year ago for a family event, we did a day @ the aquarium (for my nephew), then walked over to the N. End for Regina’s and some cannolli from one of the bakeries. the pizza is still the same and delicious.
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