The Drunk, Stoned, and Hungry thread

You should try ordering a “Big Mac” at In-N-Out, they have the same ingredients and it taste so much better. You can even add whole grilled onions. Besides my usual order at In-N-Out I sometimes switched it up and have it Big Mac style. If you really want the three buns you might have to order 2 cheeseburgers otherwise double double with double cheese, lettuce, onions, pickles, and spread.

Also if you add mayo and ketchup you can make a “Whopper” (lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, and cheese as well).

I think I am the only one who recreates other fast food burgers at In-N-Out



In-N-Out’s line was so ungodly long, at least 30 cars, so I went for the backup.

Usually I do the BK app’s $3 double whopper w extra onion, extra pickles, extra tomato. Good deal for 1/2 pound of meat.

But their fries are worse than In-N-Out so McDonalds it was.

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Something about the big mac I love . I actually think its the combination of the sauce and lettuce.

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Thousand Island.

There. I said it.


Wow, that’s pretty cool. I like onions on my burger, a fave mod is onions two ways with the whole grilled onion.

What other ones have you tried and how did you like them?

What’s BK’s burgers like these days? I haven’t had one for 4-5 years. Growing up I actually liked them as an alternative to McD since they did the flame grilled and I liked the freshness of the lettuce, etc better. Being a SoCal kid, In n Out was always tops but BK was a good option. I have no memory of their fries which would indicate to me that In N Out fries are still the worse fast food fries in my personal rankings. It sticks in your memory when it’s really bad or really good. LOL!

I like thousand island and think it can enhance certain foods, so I have no shame about it. OTOH, bleh on just about every ranch sauce. The ubiquity of ranch and how some people lather it on everything puzzles me. I had a co-worker who kept a giant bottle in the fridge and for lunch every day would spread it heavily on his sandwich and drown his side salad.

I’d rather have thousand island as a dip option than ranch when eating finger foods at a bar or wherever. Ideally i’d get blue cheese, but not everyone offers that.


JitB tacos dipped in ranch = ultimate stoner food.


I don’t think I’ve ever had that combo. I’ve had plenty of JitB tacos late at night but never with ranch. Usually just a few of the tacos washed down with a large soda. Man, to have the metabolism of a 20 something again.

I’d do that just to cut the edge of hunger and we’d hit Tommy’s on Beverly and Rampart not soon after.

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Ranch makes almost everything edible.


I love Tire Shop, El Momo, La Unica, Leo’s, etc all the authentic places.

But for some reason I don’t know why I love those absolutely shitty Jack In Box Tacos. The filling is some mystery meat I think, maybe a little beef. Shitty lettuce, shitty cheese. Fried and greasy. It’s good with taco sauce or even with ranch as stated above (pro move add some hot sauce to ranch…come on been doing this since late night at Denny’s after working at a movie theatre on the weekend).

Those late night cravings for Jack In Box tacos are real!!!


I’ve only done Big Macs and Whoppers at In-N-Out.

My other childhood fav burger was Carl’s Jr. Bacon Western Cheeseburgers. It will be too much work because I have to bring BBQ sauce, bacon, and onion rings. I might give it a try someday.

I wanna try a McD’s burger at In-N-Out…mustard grilled patty, ketchup, onions (this might be fun and make it 2 way or 3 way onions…raw,chopped, whole grilled), pickles, and cheese.


When I get back to California I am definitely going to make a thread for my Big Mac, Whoppers, Bacon Western, and classic McD Cheeseburger at In N Out.


I’m a fan of thousand island and it’s various permutations around the country. A few years back we were traveling in the southwest and were asked if we wanted “fry sauce” with our fast food order which turned out to basically be thousand island. Similarly, Troy’s Drive-in #6 in Glendale gives a small ramekin of a garlic powder heavy version with their fries. I think the two are connected by the SoCal/SLC pastrami burger migration (NY Times paywall, sorry).


Oh man, you really are dredging up all the memories for me. The double bacon western cheeseburger was another one of those good college indulgences for me. I still remember friends and I marveling over the combination and going to town on it.

Something to look forward to! I’m keeping an eye on your NY thread. For about a 12 year stretch we were going to NY at least a couple times a year and would eat so much. It’s been a few years since our last visit and it’s high on our list once we can travel again.

I have a soft spot for mayo, even knowing how bad it is for me. Once I found out what fry sauce was, I was doomed.

In keeping with the theme of this thread, one of my completely trashy hungry indulgence is taking hot white rice, mixing it with enough mayo to coat every grain then drizzling hot sauce. When the mixture is right, I scarf everything down. I will fully admit it’s bad for me, has no redeeming value and boy it’s about as low brow as you can get, my wife just gives me the heavy side eye. But it is so tasty to me!


That sounds both delicious and quite possibly the death of me.

My equally trashy and unhealthy indulgence is late night hash. Corned beef hash is the most well known version but if you approach it like the western equivalent of fried rice it’s a template you can plug a lot of ingredients into. Hot sauce is always a must but we’ve never tried mayo- that actually sounds cool like the way okonomiyaki uses mayo.


Growing up in Miami where BKs headquarters was located, seemingly all we ate when it came to burgers.

These days, just ok. It depends on the location.

Probably nostalgia, but the meat still tastes good to me because it’s flame broiled, and when I get the Double Whopper, it reminds me of a backyard burger because of that, and it’s thick. The extra tomatoes, onion, pickles and lettuce is perfect IMHO for the size of the meat.

And $3 for it in the app.

Oh yes! I love hash and I love the yolk from sunny side up eggs. I love mixing fried eggs into a hash or fried rice. And the hot sauce is absolutely a must. I’ve never tried mayo on hash though. I like japanese mayo on certain dishes like the okonomiyaki or kaarage.

My wife love mayo but hates hot mayo applications like the chinese style of mayo with the baked mussels or my rice dish. But as a dip or slathered into a cold dish, she’s all on board.

Weirdly I’m not a big fan of mayo in burgers. I actually feels like it takes away from the burger, I’m all about indulging but mayo on a rich meaty juicy burger throws the balance all off for me. I’m fine with a mayo based sauce but not straight mayo as a spread under the patty. Weird, I know.

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Nostalgia sauce is a powerful thing. I still love Tommy’s burgers even though objectively I know it’s not that good. I always did like BK flame broiled approach.

$3 to try seems like a low barrier. I’m just a little scared of fast food these days as even in the best of times, it’s hit or miss with sanitation. But with pandemic, stressed overworked underpaid staff, I’m extra concerned about food handling practices. Not even pandemic handling, just regular food handling I’m concerned about.


100% would order…



“can i get an order of Maguro please, no tuna or wasabi”

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They’re good, but I remember they were better 30-some-odd years ago when they dripped orange grease (chorizo maybe?)