Tsujita Fish Market at Mitsuwa

At least that’s what the sign said at the Costa Mesa branch.

Gorgeous fish. Cooked snow crab and hairy crab, wild Hokkaido flounder, live welk, live turban shell, Japanese abalone, coronet fish, sculpin, and more.

Unfortunately only yesterday and today according to the guy working at the fish display.


Cornetfish?? I didn’t even know those were edible.

They make for an impressive display but as sushi it’s not one of my favorites. Like halibut but less flavorful and a bit watery.

First saw it at Zushi Puzzle in SF almost a decade ago. Most recently had it at Shunka in Costa Mesa a couple of months ago.

Very interesting. I would have imagined it would have too many bones to be used for much of anything, much less sushi. We have a similar ocean fauna to Japan here (here and in the nearest more tropical waters) so as a diver, I’ve basically seen all those things in the water. From that perspective, cornetfish isn’t a fish you’d expect to be tasty, so I’m not surprised to hear they’re not.