Doesn’t have to be pure vegan but enough that a vegan person might have options. Looking in the corridor from Culver City across the 10 to downtown. I would prefer to venture less north if possible but I have drawn a rough map for reference thanks!
i thought mozza had the most options so far besides olivia? (pane bianco, panzanella, polenta fritti, baby eggplant, zucchine a scapece, jimmy nardello peppers, gelati, you can always ask for a marinara pie)
olivia is the best vegan-wise, simply because it offers the widest range of vegan options - all of the other places are more constricted in that the vegan options are heavily weighted to vegetable dishes, as opposed to having appetizer/main options. but for non-vegans… it’s still good! but the playing field is not even.
It did! But didn’t seem to have anything too substantive other than panzanella and baby eggplant/zucchini which I think is hardy enough for a meal for one person.
Yeah. Lebanese/Armenian or Israeli are awesome choices for vegans. I’ve historically preferred Marouch to Carousel, but our last delivery from Marouch seemed to show a decline, and I do like Carousel.