High seas? More like sewage treatment plant. Just the pictures are going to have a laxative effect, though perhaps not as severe as from that “crispy goodness” glistening in the photos.
I’ve always wondered about that. Big globs of mayonnaise and a slice of cold cheese on top of fried food in a sweet, soft, squishy bun. It’s very overwhelming.
I think I might like just the fish patty. My third-grade best friend’s mom would make us frozen fish sticks and French fries in the oven for sleepovers. I really, really liked those.
As much as I love the filet o fish the best fast food fish sandwich I’ve ever had is at Wendy’s. We had it twice but then they took it off the menu. I believe it’s back as a permanent menu item but I eat Wendy’s probably once every 5 years. During Lent my father in law buys 5 filet o fish every Friday. FIVE EVERY FRIDAY. For himself.