What's cookin'?

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Got a nice “braising mix” of greens in this week’s CSA box, such a big bag that it filled the pot.


the star of tonight’s dinner: masala-fried spare ribs. (i’ll have the recipe on my blog next thursday.)



5 posts were split to a new topic: Off-topic complaints

Used homemade lard in place of olive oil, skipped cloves and cinnamon as the pancetta seemed to have that already, Pomi chunky instead of canned tomatoes.

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I’ve been using the “thew” one for years. So easy and good.


There are other no-stir polenta recipes, including an earlier one from Paula Wolfert, that are more work.

That’s almost Wolfert’s half recipe except she says 45 plus ten and max five cups water. I think 1:6 cornmeal to water would be porridge. Even 1:5 is pretty runny.

Nope. Trust me. I’ve been making this a long time.

Chacun à son goût. I’ve been using the same recipe since before that thew post and 2 to 9 / 1 to 4.5 is as runny as I want it.

Yep. And perhaps being from the South originally I have my own preference based on grits.

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Well, damn it, I forgot that you can’t trust Saveur to have tested its recipes. Flavor was good but meat and celery were both undercooked. It’s really best to make coda alla vaccinara a day ahead.

Deboned the oxtails, chopped up the celery, and made a pasticcio with the polenta. Much better the second time around. I could have cooked at a higher temperature to crisp up the polenta more.

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That’s funny. I’m going to be fixing osso buco OVER creamy polenta.

That’s how we ate it the first time. When the oxtails were undercooked. Which is why there were enough leftovers to make a pasticcio.

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I’m going to try making ju yook ban… Never heard of the dish before a post on Mei Lin’s Instagram today.