What's cookin'?

Y’all are trippin. The most popular home cooking thread on Hungry Onion is monthly! We can handle an annual one.:roll_eyes:

P.S. I missed you @catholiver.


Why not choose one. Unlike eGullet, we don’t have a lot of traffic that either post would be completely in the weeds. But I think we are also respectful enough to appreciate both POV and reasons to keep ones own post in either or.


People on this board are free to do whatever so long as they mostly stay civil and don’t make too much pointless trouble.


LOL!!! Sometimes I wish we had more traffic to justify a monthly post like the olden days at CH… But then I remember I could never keep up with it there either… plus moar people… moar problems… I think we are a good size with just enough of newcomers to keep things fresh and the lights on. :slight_smile:


Chowhound had technical problems when topics had more than say 200 posts. Shit got slow and flaky.

It’s true. During the lockdown I could keep up with it, but now that we’re back to eating out more it’s hard. But it’s fun, like our Monthly Rundown but for home cooking. Sometimes peeps post an elaborate meal or sometimes just a grilled cheese sandwich.


Where/what is that please?

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On some other board.

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Got a nice “braising mix” of greens in this week’s CSA box, such a big bag that it filled the pot.


the star of tonight’s dinner: masala-fried spare ribs. (i’ll have the recipe on my blog next thursday.)



5 posts were split to a new topic: Off-topic complaints

Used homemade lard in place of olive oil, skipped cloves and cinnamon as the pancetta seemed to have that already, Pomi chunky instead of canned tomatoes.

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I’ve been using the “thew” one for years. So easy and good.


There are other no-stir polenta recipes, including an earlier one from Paula Wolfert, that are more work.

That’s almost Wolfert’s half recipe except she says 45 plus ten and max five cups water. I think 1:6 cornmeal to water would be porridge. Even 1:5 is pretty runny.

Nope. Trust me. I’ve been making this a long time.