"How Many Gallons of Pizza Does the Average American Eat?" - PMQ

The report found that 47% of Americans prefer large pizzas, contributing to an annual consumption of 288 slices per person. “[That’s] equivalent to 480 gallons of pizza,” the study noted, “or a large, six-person hot tub filled to the brim.”

Something’s wrong with the math there. For 288 slices of pizza to fill a 480-gallon container, each slice would need to be one and two-thirds gallons.

Who drinks their pizza :slight_smile:

Yeah, I find no explanation for that choice of measure.

People on liquid diets?

Ha! We laugh but when my niece was 5, she was a really picky / eater. So, my sister, who got short on patience, decided she would blend every meal and turn it into a “shake” for her kid to drink. I kid you not, it didn’t matter what the meal was - whatever the family was eating that day, a portion of everything would go into the blender along with some broth and blended to a milkshake consistency. LOL!


At these prices…less and less. Well, i’m lying…I started making my own.

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I remember reading about “blended salad” when I was a kid and thought that was pretty much the grossest thing imaginable. Maybe it’s not what I think it is.