Not really sure if it's a "me" problem

i see reasons for the OP’s point of view. i’ve caught flak in various situations. i stand by all the sentiments i’ve expressed then. but i don’t seem to need to be right as much as they do.


I’m thinking that I must not read enough topics here because I really don’t sense hostility here. “Clicque-y” is possibly related to dining budget I think. In my higher earning years we used to go out a lot… often to upscale places. Don’t/can’t any more but it doesn’t bother me to read posts about places I’ll never go to.

I spend a lot of time on a wine board where I think the vast majority of posters drink wines daily that cost 5+ times what we spend most of the time. I suppose those people are ‘clicquey’ but I learn a lot from their posts so I don’t mind. Life’s too short to be bothered.


I understand why you would feel that way at times @paranoidgarliclover. I don’t have much to add, because there are some pretty good responses on this thread already. I’ll just say this - I consider you a FTC OG. We’ve already lost a few and I’d be really bummed if you stopped posting too.


You are a great contributor, @paranoidgarliclover. It would be a shame not to see your posts. I go through periods where I don’t have much to contribute (three teenagers can put a damper on dining out), and I don’t get up to LA much, but I post where I feel I have something to add. I haven’t sensed clique-y-ness, but there are going to be random acts of assholery and snark on any online forum. It’s amazing how bold people can be when they’re tucked safely behind a keyboard. I tend to ignore that and try not to be a part of it (I don’t know that I always succeed, but I try). I hope you reconsider.


I’m pretty sure whoever thought @paranoidgarliclover handle was Paranoid Garlic Clover was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

There have been a few threads recently that could have been more civil. I try to ignore those comments and threads. I get a lot of useful information from FTC and hope we can keep the core group intact.


Yep, guilty. And I agree. Let’s keep the band together.

P.S. Were you joking about ‘Paranoid Garlic Clover’? Because I thought that was cute.

Nope. Somebody in a thread said they misread the handle the whole time. Very funny.

I’m not sure if clique-y was a bad descriptor because I dont notice that here or if garlic is seeing things i’m not… Not noticing people grouping up, cant tell who knows whom. I only know 2 people from here in real life. 1 close friend who almost never posts and another who sometimes posts. I only regularly interact with a couple of the frequent posters here but have no problem disagreeing with them (so not a clique). If it’s a civility problem for garlic, that’s another matter. Sometimes boards get intense. People have moods and tough days etc. I do know that i’m an over poster, a function of too much time at work in front of a computer.


Could be me LOL! I know I read it that way even though somehow i know it isn’t right.

I am def a member of the ‘Clover’ fan club & will miss most your practical WLA knowledge and history as well as insights into Japanese food.


I saw that but thought it was cute not offensive. So I was wondering if you were saying that as a joke. :slight_smile:

I don’t live in LA but am here every few months for work, so the LA board is helpful in keeping up with reviews, openings, and closings. No cliqueishness or unfriendliness ever detected, it’s actually a lot more disciplined than Chowhound ever was. Frankly, @paranoidgarliclover, it is just you. I think you are being snowflaky about one isolated comment that has been directly apologized for. You need to put on your big girl pants and move on. There are raging a$$holes who comment here occasionally and a lot of show-offy BS all the time but what else is new.

Fuck that. Somebody’s acting like a dick, flag that post. Let them take it to Chowhound (which is 100% tolerant of trolls so long as they’re not totally blatant about it).


Hey now! That was me, and my intention was not a put-down, and I’m sure @paranoidgarliclover understood and, I’m hoping, was amused.

I’m a well known not-garlic-lover, so I thought it was cute that I subliminally transposed it to paranoid-garlic-luckyfourleafclover, for over a year before realizing. I don’t think it was a big deal, nor an insult to read someone’s user name wrong.


I’m sure he did. He gave you a like. :wink: It was a long time before I realized it was @PorkyBelly not PorkBelly.

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OMG - I have never seen that.


What? I thought he was speaking in general. Was there a particular comment that triggered this post and his departure?

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I rarely have anything useful to contribute to the LA board but read it frequently because SD is so dead and because many of you LA posters are talented, funny and extremely helpful in a way that yelp, etc is not.

I will miss you too @paranoidgarliclover just as I miss @thechez5.


…and @bulavinaka!


what the poop? why are people leaving?

That’s rich