Miss Manners once said, in response to a picky eater, “No one cares what you won’t eat.”
Perfect. I have a couple of friends, when at at parties where food is served announce what they won’t eat. I always think “Who gives a sh_ _.”
Tarragon makes me angry.
Wait. What?
I find that statement so funny for some reason. Personal failing, yes, I know.
It’s true. I don’t know why. I like or tolerate almost anything… Food wise.
Older thread but I’m just working my way through some of the categories.
I remember some years ago on CH there was a poster who really could not tolerate food cooked by anyone other than him/herself. Not just a restaurant but even friends and IIRC family. I thought that was the ultimate picky eater…with some psychotherapy probably not a bad thing.
I have a friend who won’t eat meat with a bone still in it.
I don’t suppose there’s any nice way to ask why not
He says he doesn’t know why, and that he doesn’t mean to be difficult. But it just turns him off.
And that’s a completely acceptable answer.