
Anyone been lately? I went last year and was underwhelmed but am going again this month because everyone I talk to loved it so maybe it was a bad night when I went.

We were underwhelmed last visit and also had to wait 45 minutes past reservation time for a table. But still it’s clearly one of the best restaurants in LA. I would give the nod to Maude over Providence based on recent visits, and I think Vespertine is in a different league.

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i went about a year ago. the food was good, service was great. but i was also underwhelmed. i went to kato a few weeks ago, and came away thinking that kato was clearly better.

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These replies are not making me excited lol. Our friend has been dying to go even though we said we were underwhelmed as mentioned. We’ll see how it is…

I think Providence is always a good meal. It’s just that it’s kinda always the same meal.


I loved my last Providence visit (about a year ago). I think execution is a grand slam 10/10 with every dish. Are they the most flavorful, most imaginative dishes in LA? absolutely not, but everything is of the highest quality and prepared/treated with extreme attention to detail and best techniques.

That, paired with a rather stellar alcohol selection and impeccable service make it one of the best in LA in my opinion.


Having gone to Maude and Providence recently as well, I preferred Providence. That is my personal taste though. They are both excellent meals, and I love Maude’s current style. Personally thought the service and balance of flavors was better at Providence. I could see how people could feel there is a sameness to the meals, but I hadn’t been in years and really felt the evolution of their food over that time. It’s also very much a celebration of the product, and in the same way as Hayato doing that through the lens of kaiseki, that kind of leads you down a narrower path. It’s not gonna hit you with a crazy new composition or technique that an experienced diner hasn’t seen before.


I postulate that people have a personality trait that describes their proclivity to seek known good things or seek the unknown. People fall on a spectrum from settlers to explorers. It describes how they like they like to travel, what they like to eat, drug usage, etc. Both ends of the spectrum have evolutionary advantages. I lean explorer pretty heavily. When I think of Providence, I don’t get excited any more, though I recognize the food is outstanding. I think “been there done that.” For example, I really liked Providence’s rosemary prawns the first time, found them okay the second time, and have little interest in eating them a third time. It would be like going back to the same beautiful resort in Hawaii–something I’d never do for a vacation. I do think one can explore in a narrow field, though – e.g., explore the depths of kaiseki.

Went last night and wow it was like a different restaurant from my first visit. Just goes to show you how top places have off nights. I don’t take photos of my food but if I recall the menu was

  1. Amuse Bouche (Waygu Tartare with Coconut Curd, Box Crab with Poblano Almond Sauce, Smoked King Salmon + Creme Fraiche Buckwheat Cracker, Shima Aji with Shiso Gelee)
  2. Potato Potato Caviar
  3. Kanpachi Sashimi, Passion Fruit
  4. Santa Barabara Spot Prawn (supplemental)
  5. Abalone Chawanmushi + Abalone Croquette
  6. Bread + Butter
  7. Scallop, Morel stuffed with Scallop XO
  8. Halibut with seasonal vegetables and yuzu lime foam
  9. Main (King Salmon or Duck or A5)
  10. Lime Sorbet with Meringue + Blueberries
  11. Chocolate Peanut Butter desert with lots of chocolate components
  12. Petit Fours

Highlights for me: Spot Prawn, Scallop, Halibut, all the amuse bouche

Misses: Main course, salmon and duck breast is just pretty boring. It was well cooked but felt out of place with the rest of the menu that was leaning very Japanese-inspired tonight. Also desserts were a little off, macarons a bit less airy than I’m used to and the petit fours were not particularly impressive.

Overall though an incredible meal!