What restaurants serve grass-fed beef?



who’s got the most reasonable prices for wild caught fresh fish?

Connie & Ted’s might be the most affordable place you can trust to describe their fish accurately.


no. to buy raw so I can cook.

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Community seafood at the Santa Monica Farmers market (Wednesday) I don’t know if there prices are the best but you are supporting local boats. Santa Monica Seafood has a Storefront as well

Did you see my trout? $11.99/lb Home Cooking 2020 - #653 by Nemroz
Fish prices at WF aren’t the worst theyr’e supposed to be following some kind of labeling standard?

Go to the foreigners (Olive in the valley is where i went)

Nobody is net trolling Lake Sevan


If you don’t mind driving down to Newport Pearson’s Port, https://pearsonsport.com/, is incredible. Mrs. Pearson runs the shop while Mr. Pearson takes the boat out and catches fish and shellfish. It doesn’t get any fresher. Probably only a special occasion resource, but oh so good. Really great people.

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Don’t know her diet but trying to honor her request. While my understanding is a superficial understanding, grass fed cows are typically pastured, rather than how corn/grain fed are typically raised indoors and in pens. Similar to how humans physiology is influenced by diet and exercise, the physiology and ultimately taste is similarly influenced. The degree to which this is beneficial in any way, I do not know! I do know that 100% grass fed dairy is definitely a different taste experience which is richer and I prefer it.

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Robert, Thx for all your responses here and this list. Turns out I eat at Sunnin frequently and never knew they were grass-fed!
p.s. @ [aaqjr], HiHo is my favorite burger these days!

Sounds nice . I’d be down for a taste off. Though I do think corn finished cattle is richer / fattier . I buy more lamb than beef lately

Where u buying good lamb from?

I’m good with regular lamb at armenian stores usually and marconda once in a while . Got to get that lula kabob action going again this weekend

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Any store in particular that you recommend? I never really see lamb at regular markets around town.

Carlitos Gardel on Melrose. Gwen used to offer some grass-fed beef on its menu but I don’t know if they are offering on-site dining at the moment,

Standings on Melrose has excellent lamb.


Karabagh, Olive, Sevan

Marconda and Huntington’s both carry nice lamb. Marconda- American H - New Zealand


Thanks for the reminder. I keep forgetting about this place since we have 2 accross the street. I’ll go today. I expect premium pricing

Your expectation is accurate. I don’t mind given the quality and that it is owner-operated (usually Jered Standing is the one helping me) and very accommodating of special requests, etc. And apropos to the above post, everything they stock is pasture raised, and grass fed in the case of beef — it’s not a special option you need to ask for. But no, it is certainly not the cheapest option.

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Best grass fed steak I’ve had


Am I nuts or am I the only one who doesn’t care for the taste of grass fed beef?