Where is Chowseeker1999?

still catching up on what the ruckus is all about…but wow, to go from one of the most popular posters on FTC to HO basic user is something. And they don’t even have a LA section!! Don’t know the demographics of HO, but seems like SF+ California seems skewed NorCal. There’s hardly any mention of LA spots other than few trip reports… sigh. don’t know if those HO folks will appreciate the visits to all 4 Saigon Bakeries. I’ll miss @Chowseeker1999 multi-multi visit posts for sure.


In total agreement. The art of criticism is to be prepared to then back it up.

I am sad that we no longer may get round up posts… but they were something that were never really owned to us. And if CS was no longer getting the ‘appreciation’ that they felt they deserved… then okay… leave. I more than appreciate the quiet exit rather than a whole post where people would ‘beg’ them to stay. In all my years moderating and running boards… very rarely do they work. it’s just one last ego boost… FU to the ‘management’ and it stirs up the pot for other grievances. We are all adults here… and sometimes folks just go away.


I’ve poked my head into HO a few times and recognize many ex-CH names and some FTC crossover names, some good stuff certainly. But there just isn’t enough LA content to make it a viable regular site for me. They do have some other interesting non-region specific content, but again, not of enough interest to me.

I’ve always done a hard eye roll at those kinds of posts at all the boards I’ve participated even, regardless of type of interest. Most of the time, the type of person who put up those kinds of posts are usually look at me drama queens with many of their regular postings.

They want people begging them to come back.

Yup. Life happens for various reasons. Sometimes the reasons for not participating aren’t obvious or even related to the board. Sure human curiosity is always there and I’m just as guilty for wanting to know.

But, you can’t always get what you want (and if you heard that in Mick’s singing voice, I’m sorry, really I am)


There was plenty of space in that thread for him to back off and kill the thread as well.

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May I ask what thread?

The one that got split into the curry digression thread.

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You have exhibited a lot of patience in that area. Other places would have banned that whack job already for the amount of disinformation and bad faith arguments he constantly puts up. I muted him for my own sanity.


Likely I could / should have done more as moderator to understand and mitigate whatever was going on, but unfortunately it coincided with a really busy period at work, and that part of my brain was depleted.

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Respectfully, but very strongly, disagree.

While we are not “owed” the incredible reviews that CS did, to go back and purposely delete his own threads isn’t at all “quiet,” IMHO. Deleting posts isn’t a FU to management; it’s a FU to all of us who participate here.

Second, there is a big gap btw someone who just stops posting and someone who is looking for people to “beg” them to stay. Someone (myself included) can post why they are leaving w/ a hope that it encourages people to reflect upon themselves and the community they create (even an on-line community).

I participate in quite a few on-line communities myself, and I don’t even know what a post that is tacitly looking for people to “beg” them to stay would even look like, personally. And, in all the on-line forums in which I participate, that kind of implied demand would go largely unfulfilled. ::shrug::


Wow can’t believe chowseeker got upset about maybe 2 threads and quit. I think also the shunji thread got under their skin.

I will miss their multi visit posts and the food info will definitely be missed, but geez they need to chill.



I don’t think CS even mentioned their gender… I also used the They pronoun because of it.


Pretty darn sure it’s a he. :sunglasses:


CS is a he, and he often dines with a crew. Sat next to him/them once.


Yeah didn’t know CS was a he/she. But I believe CS is a he (which has been confirmed by @J_L) based on chats I’ve had with other posters just figured it’d be better to go with ‘they’.


Can confirm.


Love chowseeker. But I was heart broken when Kevin left . A true journalist with a potty mouth who you would just want to nosh with . And say I’ve got the next round.


Did he speak to you or reveal himself as CS?

I seem to remember it coming out in a thread he and JL were at a restaurant at the same time and CS saying come over and say hi next time. But maybe I’m not remembering correctly

Perhaps you’re thinking of this? When @J_L said he wanted to stop and say hi.