Where is Chowseeker1999?

Yeah didn’t know CS was a he/she. But I believe CS is a he (which has been confirmed by @J_L) based on chats I’ve had with other posters just figured it’d be better to go with ‘they’.


Can confirm.


Love chowseeker. But I was heart broken when Kevin left . A true journalist with a potty mouth who you would just want to nosh with . And say I’ve got the next round.


Did he speak to you or reveal himself as CS?

I seem to remember it coming out in a thread he and JL were at a restaurant at the same time and CS saying come over and say hi next time. But maybe I’m not remembering correctly

Perhaps you’re thinking of this? When @J_L said he wanted to stop and say hi.


That must be it!

I was going to post a:

Tell Me Why I Should Stay!” thread but pretty sure no one would respond.


Yes indeedy.

I would!

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I would!.. If only to say that I wasn’t going to respond further. ::snort:: :wink:

But, in all honesty, if someone really did make a post like that, I’d ignore it and/or think to myself, “Come up w/ your own reasons for staying, fer Christ’s sake!” while, you know, pounding my cane on the floor.


A lot of people are taking guesses as to why the MVP (Most Valuable Poster) left.
FTC seems to generally believe that CS left because he was upset by the “Curry Digression”.
I don’t agree.

I highly doubt the now infamous “Curry Digression” was the sole reason, or even the main reason, why CS left.

@robert, do you believe that your moderation is the reason why CS left?

Next, there are some posters saying that they think it is uncool for CS to have removed his most important posts.

Why? You are not owed those posts. They do not belong to you. They do not belong to FTC. They belong to CS. He clearly put a lot of time, effort, and money into his posts. He can do whatever he wants with them.

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If people are that deeply unhappy w/ robert, why doesn’t someone create another board and then spend the vast quantities of unreimbursed time necessary to moderate it to everyone’s liking?

I do, however, genuinely respect that you’re at least putting the question out there rather than being passive-aggressive.

No one’s debating that. But none of what your write changes the idea that it’s a big FU to the community.




See? It’s like I actually posted the thread without posting it!!

I’m going to remember these responses :laughing:


I disagree. Once we respond and participate I think they belong to all of us.


No value judgment here. Just a straight up question to clear the air about why CS left.
I have voiced my appreciation for @robert on multiple occasions. They are in my post history. That appreciation remains unchanged.

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The clarification is helpful.

The question that I posed in my post (“If people are that deeply unhappy w/ robert,…”) was was b/c I feel sometimes like there are people who constantly gripe about @robert but choose to do nothing about it. It can get… annoying.

No, but it’s possible that if I’d had the time and energy to figure out what was going on I could have resolved the situation. Or maybe not.

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Food Talk Central is not the publisher or author of any works posted by its members. It is a passive service for storage and dissemination of the works that Food Talk Central members may choose to post and distribute via Food Talk Central. Food Talk Central does not screen works before they are posted, and no prior approval is required for posting. Food Talk Central disclaims all copyright and ownership in such works and all responsibility for them.


I don’t see a lot of griping. People pretty much behave themselves so there’s not a lot of moderator-type action required.


Thank you for the clear-cut answer. I apologize for inferring that you may have been responsible.
Without further info, it is not clear why CS left and why he decided to delete his most popular posts.

Did he delete posts? There are still 5600 dating back five years.