Epicurus Gourmet (North Hollywood) - The New Epicure Imports

I’ve started to see it more and more. Surfas & Bay Cities also carry the T55 flour -all the same brand Francine iirc. Some where around 5$ or a little less for a 1k bag. I like it and I’d like to see a bigger bag size


Epicurus has T65 for $2/lb. The brand is “Grand Moulins de Paris”. Not sure what the difference between T55 and T65 is, but it makes great bread.


Good description here of the difference between French flour types here


They have these at Epicurus Gourmet - they are epic, indeed.

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Is there a recipe you follow? Preferably in video form :)… since i have a cooche now


+1000 on this.

@yogachik, feel free to post your recipe on the appropriate thread, too. :slight_smile:


No video. My favorite is from “Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast”. Its for white bread made using poolish. Pain L’ancienne from “Artisan Breads Everyday” is another excellent recipe. Both recipes are high hydration, long rise doughs.
Good luck! I am sure your bread will turn out as wonderfully as your grilling does.

For baguettes i like this one


(I asked some follow-up bread questions here: The Bread Thread - #108 by paranoidgarliclover)


aah… i bought this book for a friend… i’ll ask for page copies… yes i do a lot of high hidration / long ferments too… 3 day ferment pizza balls are in the fridge right now for tomorrow and i’m about to put a 2 day ferment bread doughs in the fridge… waffle batter is ready for tonight :slight_smile:


Epicurus has 25 kilo bags of Grand Moulins flour (several different grades) for what looks like $1/kilo. I could be wrong about the price as their instock list isn’t the clearest thing in the world. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/92700be0-5fa5-4e1a-9249-a64e798bb4c8/downloads/9.7.2021.pdf?ver=1631152313406
You will have to scroll down. They have a lot of inventory.


Might be a little more than I need, but that’s a great price. I usually end up buying 3 of the 1k bags at a time

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Be careful with that Grand Moulins flour - it’s very high in protein. I mix 100 grams of it with my favorite flour - Organic King Arthur Bread Flour (400 grams) for my boules, and that’s plenty. Any more, and I get a strange consistency that’s tacky, sticky, oddly chewy.


Epicurus has opened the new room. It will be used for drinks and holiday items as well as flours, and frozen bakery products. They have a good stock of holiday items such as stollen already, but Hilary said they are having supply chain issues along with the rest of the world. They are expecting a big shipment soon.
New items include cooking fats such as leaf lard, tallow and ghee.
It is difficult to contain myself from impulse buys at the butter case, and the cheese and charcuterie sections. Beautiful Spanish mahon caught my eye today.
Definitely worth visiting during the holiday season!


:eyes::eyes::eyes::star_struck: fuck, i guess I’m going to have to make a trip! Love leaf lard for pie season -that puts it over the top for me.


I just checked and they may have sold out already. Here is the Amazon link, https://smile.amazon.com/Fatworks-Artisanally-Rendered-Traditional-Sauteeing/dp/B011YMC8P2/ref=sr_1_2?crid=20X2IYUQPU5Y8&keywords=leaf+lard+for+baking&qid=1637116065&sprefix=leaf+lard%2Caps%2C231&sr=8-2. I wouldn’t want you to make a trip and have them sold out. Looks like the tallow is gone too. I love putting tallow in my deep fry oil for French Fries. Original McDonald’s taste!


I can’t imagine lard is very difficult to make. wrong?

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Leaf lard for Pies is something different than your standard manteca. We get ours from Standings and then just horde it when we do. It keeps very well in the freezer. We still have some from last year.


Are all the cooking fats Epicurus is carrying from Fatworks?

I render my own lard from pork fatback, and you are correct it’s easy. However as @Dommy mentions below leaf lard comes from the fat around the kidneys not fatback. It doesn’t have a porky flavor and I believe it is has a higher fat percentage. Years ago Surfas carried that type of fat. I am not sure if they still do.